Are you in the process of rewriting your project? Here's a checklist of questions to consider:
Have you introduced setting (time and place) to ground the reader and orient them? Does the setting offer the mood and tone of the story? Have you used setting and situation to convey character emotion?Have you made it clear whose POV the reader is following? Is that point of view consistant throughout the story? (Or do you accidently slip into other points of view?)
Have you introduced the protagonist and main supporting characters? Are the protagonist's flaws, problems and story goals apparent? Are character and narrating voices unique and distinct? Does your own unique voice and worldview shine through?
Are there too many characters? Or have you introduced the characters all at once? Consider using fewer characters in your narrative and introducing them one or two at a time.
Do you give too much backstory or character history when you introduce a character, that nasty "information dump"? If so, pare it down.
Do you show, rather than tell? Is exposition, description and interior monologue overused, or is it used sparingly to support scene (action and dialogue)?
Have you introduced the protagonist's main conflict early in the story? If so good. But are they avoiding or running away from their conflict, by, say, wandering around alone ruminating over their problem? If so, rethink situation so your protagonist is facing their conflict directly.
Do you have unnecessary flashbacks that could be moved into the “now,” the present of the narrative?
Does the protagonist have clear story goals? Are you sure you know what they want? Are they actively taking steps to reach that goal? What’s stopping them (what or who is their antagonist)?