September 6, 2016: Online book launch of The Spawning Grounds

Gail Anderson-Dargatz

Staff member
Beautiful trailer. Exquisite photos.
Hello Michelle! Michelle Barker has had terrific success with her children’s book A Year of Borrowed Men. The book has been nominated for a Chocolate Lily Award and was released in the US this year and has been reviewed in some great places: Kirkus, Horn Book Magazine, School Library Journal. Congratulations Michelle!

Christina Foster

Crossroad Magdalenes
In my blog, the landscape that inspired The Spawning Grounds, you’ll see another video in which you’ll hear the full version of the song you heard in the book trailer, composed and performed by the Crossroad Magdalenes, Christina Foster and Greg MacLachlan.

Christina and Greg, can you tell us a little about the process of writing this song, Letter to the Blue (Beth’s Song)?

Angie, who is also with us today, asked Christina and Greg to write this song for a reading I did in Thessalon in June, for the Stories in the North festival. As soon as Mitch and I heard this beautiful song, we knew we had to find a way to use it. The videos that you see here today, including the reading, are the result.
Hey all. We (Christina and I) are both big fans of the book "The Cure for Death by Lightning" and we were asked to write about it for the event "Stories in the North" which featured readings by Gail and workshops for writers with Gail. I guess we view writing as sort of a transcendent experience whereby we (if we find the right atmosphere) can dial into the same frequency or world or theme or whatever you want to call it that Gail was using when she wrote the book. We tried out best to connect to the same emotional, spiritual, and thematic atmosphere that Gail was connected to when she wrote the novel. I like to think it worked out okay because Gail liked the song! She also felt that the song tied in thematically to her new novel, which is why she is using it to promote it.

Christina Foster

Crossroad Magdalenes
The combination of the song and the images in the trailer almost make me cry. They have an emotional resonance that I feel so strongly...
Thanks Emily. That's great to hear. It's a strange experience writing artistically and creatively about someone else's artistic and creative work. I'm glad to hear that it resonated with you. Great art breeds and inspires great art. The more we can spread that message, the more we can make the world a magical creative place.
While we're ranting. Kudos to Mitch Krupp for also connecting to the spirit and theme and atmosphere of Gail's work and indirectly our song with his beautiful photos.
Thanks so much Christina. Knowing Gail's work so well and then mixing that with your and Greg's beautiful music and the photos was really quite overwhelming at times.

Gail Anderson-Dargatz

Staff member
As you can see from the Dear Reader note on my last link, The Spawning Grounds took me nearly a decade to write. There were a lot of reasons for this, that all came down to “life.” Writing takes time and energy and when we have work and family, that time and energy is hard to find.

How about you? What stops you from finishing that book project? And what solutions have you found? Please jump right in!