A Rhinestone Button
National bestseller.
About the book:
Gail Anderson-Dargatz transports us into a world filled with richness and magic, where divine intervention drops from the sky and silos are billboards for God. A Rhinestone Button has all the hallmarks of the author's previous, award-winning fiction, with a cast of unforgettable characters and a landscape drawn with perfect and loving detail.In a world where everything depends on the harvest, Job Sunstrum is a late bloomer.
In the rough-and-tumble farming community of Godsfinger, Alberta, he lives a solitary existence, raising cattle and farming the land, like his father and grandfather before him. Yet the surrounding pasture do not old much attraction for him. Instead he prefers his humble farmhouse kitchen, where cooking and baking, and even washing dishes, give him deep satisfaction.
If his delight in making almond squares for the church doesn't brand him as odd, his soft blond curls and cherubic face are unmistakable foils for his beefy local peers. Yet something else sets him apart, a phenomenon called synaesthesia - an extraordinary ability to see and feel sound in dazzling colours or shapes. Nowhere is the effect more spectacular than when the Godsfinger Baptist Choir sings.
But Job's religious faith is soon put to a test when his proselytizing brother Jacob, along with his bossy wife and arsonist son, moves back into the family farmhouse. With them they bring the Pentecostal fervor of a visiting evangelist by the name of Jack Divine. At Jacob's urging, the impressionable Job enlists as one of Divine's religious foot soldiers, but his total immersion in Christian life leads him to wonder what his chances are for love of a more earthly nature. But where might he find such a love? At the Ponoka auction? On "Loveline," a call-in radio show? At the Out-to-lunch Café?
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